Willkommen in unserer neuen Rubrik Poesietreff! Hier treffen sich junge Dichter*innen und Autor*innen, die ihre eigenen Texte veröffentlichen. Poesietreff gibt Beobachtungen der Welt durch Worte wieder, ohne dabei Regeln zu folgen. Den Anfang macht unsere Autorin Soga.

There‘s a forest In your eyes
I can see it Every time

I get lost in it
It means the world to me
Those deep eyes
The depth to get lost in
And it scares me
Always did
Scares me in a good way
There is so much undiscovered yet
And I’ll never be bored
In those forest green eyes
And I’ll never get lost
In that forest
Because there is a light within
A light behind these Eyes
It’s always been there
It flickered, it struggled
It was sometimes hard to see
But it was always there
And it sometimes shone brighter than I ever imagined Brighter than I was ever aware of
So I’m never scared of that forest
It is dark and deep
But there’s a light within
That won’t let you get lost
In the difficult times
When your feet are heavy, walking through that forest You can count on that light
Lifting your feet enough
To get through

Gedicht und Beitragsbild von Soga Then.