Want to explore diplomacy and how the UN works? There is a good chance to get a taste of real politics, develop soft skills and […]
“Everyone can make a meaningful life” – A conversation with opera singer Joohoon Jang
Joohoon Jang came to Germany from South Korea three years ago and is currently part of the International Opera Studio at the Staatstheater Nuremberg. I […]
Non-binary Identity
He/him, she/her, they/them, xie/xiem… pronouns can be a confusing thing, especially nowadays on social media. But they’re important, especially for normalizing the representation of so […]
Rezension: “Don Karlos” am Staatstheater Nürnberg
Jan Philipp Gloger gelingt mit einem großartigen Ensemble und szenischer und sprachlicher Präzision eine Punktlandung zur Spielzeiteröffnung. Also available in English!
I don’t wanna hustle, baby!
Toxische Hustle Culture, veraltete Arbeitsmodelle, 42-Stunden-Woche – unsere Autorin will dabei nicht mitmachen. Sie strebt eine Work-Life-Balance an, die für sie passend, gesund und haltbar […]
Editorial: “Regeln / Rules”
Ankunft am Flughafen Berlin-Regel! Die Redaktion hat ein neues Thema für die kommenden Monate gewählt: Regeln. – English version inside –
Book review: “ACE” by Angela Chen
Yes, asexuality is real, and yes, asexuals can still have sex. Or not. There’s an entire book about what asexuality reveals about the desires individuals […]
‘Walking on Water’ Review: Christo’s dream becomes reality
The floating piers Being one of the greatest artists of the 20th century, Christo, together with his wife Jeanne-Claude, constantly pushed the limits of art […]
Book Review: “The Vanishing Half” by Brit Bennett
This book is a must read, says our author Emilia. It deals with two twin sister losing and finding each other again, it deals with […]
We don’t know.
Is there a God? Some are very sure that there is while others are very sure that there isn’t. Of course, both are valid opinions, […]
On being a student
It has been three semesters, one and a half years, since uni went online. How have you been dealing? Our author Celina, for one, is […]
Which life quotes inspire you most and why?
Our author Sidonie has asked our editing team to tell the stories behind their favourite life quotes – read them here!
Why I am sick of romance
This idea of one day finding “the one” and settling down with a family of your own is everywhere, and those who do not want […]
Schwangerschaftsabbruch – ein Tabu und seine Folgen
Rund 100.000-mal im Jahr lassen Frauen in Deutschland abtreiben. Somit stellt ein Schwangerschaftsabbruch den häufigsten gynäkologischen Eingriff dar. Dennoch stellt Abtreibung auch heutzutage noch ein […]
“…wofür sollte ich aufstehen?” – Das Tabu Depression
„Es ist ja eigentlich egal, was ich mache, also wofür sollte ich aufstehen?“ Solche und ähnliche Gedanken plagen Personen mit Depression tagtäglich. Das Tabu Depression und […]
Editorial Tabu(s) / taboo(s): Don’t Kiss and Tell
Unser neues Überthema für die Monate April und Mai stellt uns heute Celina vor. The new topic for april and may is this time introduced […]
Growing up as a Foster Child
Our author Vanessa has gathered some facts about Foster Care in Germany and compiled them with her thoughts about what impact being fostered can have […]
What an identity crisis feels like
Our author makes an attempt at putting into words what is, by its very nature, nearly indescribable.
On being desired
(CN: sexualized harassment) I can’t quite remember when it began, but especially when I was in between 14 and 20 years old (I am 24 […]
Unterwerfung im Kollektiv – zum rechtsextremen Identitätsbegriff
Alle Menschen haben eine Identität – für Menschen mit rechtsextremer Gesinnung heißt Identität allerdings etwas anderes.